Indiana Secure Communities Coalition is working to bring common sense changes to our criminal justice system.

Hoosiers deserve a system that is fair, fiscally responsible, and supports safety in our communities.

Here are some shocking facts that drove us to take action:

Nearly 23,000 people are behind bars in Indiana’s adult prisons.
Indiana taxpayers pay an average of $27,000+ per person incarcerated in state prisons.
In 2022, there were more than 1,000 individuals aged 65 or older incarcerated in Indiana prisons and nearly 2,500 designated with a serious medical care need or serious disability.
The cost of incarcerating elderly individuals is more than 2x the cost of incarcerating others in the general population
Prisons with the highest percentage of aging individuals spend 5x more on healthcare and 14x more on medication per individual compared to other facilities
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People 65 or older at the time of release are approximately 5x less likely to be rearrested than people under 21.

We can and must do better

Help us support rehabilitation and meaningful pathways to redemption for people in our criminal justice system who have taken accountability for their actions and have a demonstrated track record of success.